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Writer's pictureLeilani M.

Things to do on break!

Heeelllllooooo earth!

Welcome back to the blog! I’m glad you're reading.

I hope everything is good, and I hope just reading this makes it better.


Today, I had a idea.

I know that plenty of schools are having spring break and maybe other breaks coming up, and so I decided to start a series called Things To Do.

I know that during breaks all I do is just sit around, watch Netflix and YouTube, read a little, and eat. That’s basically it, unless someone forces me to do something else.

SO, I created a list of things to do. Let’s get right into it.

-Have lunch outside. This is a really fun idea, especially if you have siblings. Invite them outside with you, and have some PB&J and some chips and mabe an apple outside. Me and my brothers did this, and we called it Tea Time, because we had tea with it. It’s always good to go outside, even for 20 minutes, and to go outside you have to get ready which leads to the next thing…

-Actually get out of bed and get dressed! Brush your teeth, pick out some clothes, just get ready even if you're going to get back into bed after, still get ready. No PJ’s!

-Meet up with friends. Even if it’s on FaceTime or zoom, or in person, it’s great to connect and hang out with friends, because if they're really your friends, you're guaranteed a fun time.

-Go on a walk! Along with the lunch outside idea, there are plenty of things to do outside. You can go on a walk, jog, maybe hang out with your neighbors OUTSIDE, make an obstacle course OUTSIDE. Just get outside. Promise me. Please. You need that Vitamin D. You need exercise.

-Read a book! Now, I know the majority of you might be groaning, but reading a book can take up time and it’s something OTHER than electronics, which is definitely a plus.

-Do something creative! There’s plenty of options: Make a fort outside, paint a picture or color, print a coloring page and color that, or-new idea-make a slideshow! Hear me out, I’ve done this before. I went on this app called KeyNote, and I made a slideshow about my family. It was super fun! I took a picture of them, animated some of their favorite hobbies, and once the slideshow was done, I made it a movie and added music and everything. It was a really cool project, and I was able to show my family once it was all finished.

-Clean/Decorate/Rearrange your room. I know most of you don’t want to clean during a school break, but if you're going to be in your room the whole time, it might as well be nice and neat! If your room is clean, maybe decorate it. Look in the storage room for things, or you might be able to rearrange the things you have into different places.

-Have a movie marathon! Invite your family or maybe even friends, and pick a long series like maybe High School Musical, or just pick random movies and get comfy with your favorite snacks.

-Last couple of things: Make a scavenger hunt! Me and my twin brother did this once, and my family had a fun time going through it, and it took a lot of mind power and creativity to create the steps and everything. We had envelopes that we placed in the mailboxes, in people’s rooms, in the garage, the basement, you name it. It was fun to see them go through it.

-Have a cooking contest! If you're a sibling, do it against your brothers and sisters. If you're an only child, do it against a parent. It could be really fun, and you could create some really fun things. I also did this, and my brother filmed it making a sort of episode of a cooking competition that we shared with family and friends. That day, that’s just saying what we ate for dinner wasn’t the BEST.

-Make a playlist for every mood you have. This is a cool idea. We all get angry, or sad, or happy, or excited, or disappointed, and if you ever feel those things, besides other things, like prayer, music is a fun way to calm you.

That was only a part of a long list of really fun things. I hope you all try it out! For this coming up spring break, me and the rest of my family came up with things we wanted to do. Were planning on:

-Going to the park and having lunch there

-Having a movie marathon on Friday

-Going to the zoo, which just opened up

-Play some board games and do some puzzles

I hope that you guys have a nice break, and do some things I suggested, and if none of these fit you, just look up fun things to do around the house, or on break, and I’m sure you can find something.



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